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FHM 2020 AT EASE 510C


FHM 2020 At Ease 510C
AMGV 1323310
75% Gelbvieh Bull
Red, Homozygous Polled

Purchased by Lon Carlson ,Carlson Cattle Company Magrath, Alberta Canada from FMH Gelbvieh Toledo, Iowa At the 2017 Iowa Beef Expo.
At Ease 510C  is 81.25% Gelbvieh breeding as a 75% Gelbvieh bull and is the next step to a high growth bull, with femininely low CED and birth weight. And above average carcass EPDs.

He is homozygous polled and diluter free.

Ranks in the Top   1%   for CED, top 10 %  for BW,  top   2 %   for WW and YW and the top  1%  TM and CEM,  

Maternal pedigree consist of Hille  M118 Majesty  and Velvet  Moon 226M with the Sire combining Lazy TV Sam and Astro.





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