Purchased by Lon Carlson ,Carlson Cattle Company Magrath, Alberta Canada from FMH Gelbvieh Toledo, Iowa At the 2017 Iowa Beef Expo.
At Ease 510C is 81.25% Gelbvieh breeding as a 75% Gelbvieh bull and is the next step to a high growth bull, with femininely low CED and birth weight. And above average carcass EPDs.
He is homozygous polled and diluter free.
Ranks in the Top 1% for CED, top 10 % for BW, top 2 % for WW and YW and the top 1% TM and CEM,
Maternal pedigree consist of Hille M118 Majesty and Velvet Moon 226M with the Sire combining Lazy TV Sam and Astro.